Agenda view shows the current week with blocks large enough to show the full text of event titles.
Agenda View Settings
Rotate to - Choose the view to display when the device is rotated while in Agenda View.
Direction of days - Choose between Left - right or Up - down.
Layout - Choose what to do with empty space in the layout.
Darken weekend days - turn the darken weekend days feature on or off.
Font Size - Adjust the view's font size.
Word Wrap - Turn the word wrap feature on or off.
Colored Boxes - Choose whether all-day events, all events, or no events are filled in as colored boxes.
Show time in events - Choose whether or not to show the time in the events in Agenda View.
Use Popup Bubble - Choose whether to show a pop-up box with event information or to open a
How to switch to Agenda View:
1. From any view, tap the Views button at the bottom of the screen.
2. Select Agenda from the pop-up list.
Visual Guide
How to switch to Agenda View:
1. From any view, tap the Views button at the bottom of the screen.
2. Select Agenda from the pop-up list.